Since the advent of silicone elastomer in the 1940s, its applications have been continuously developed by engineers to meet the various needs of human development, from traditional keyboard buttons, medical catheters, kitchen utensils, to the recently popular mascots"Bing Tuntun" .Silicone elastomer connects closely with peoples's life. During its production, various functional additives need to be added to achieve its designed performance. Among them, one of the additives called Filler treatment agents plays an important role in maintaining the excellent physical and chemical properties of silicone elastomer especially the excellent processability after long-term storage.
为解决这种影响硅橡胶使用寿命和性能的“结构化”问题,对白炭黑表面处理,减少填料表面活性羟基的处理剂称为结构控制剂。常见的结构控制剂有羟基硅油、烷氧基硅烷、硅氮烷等。羟基硅油和烷氧基类结构控制剂对低比表面积的白炭黑具有较好的处理效果和成本优势,但也存在着体系稳定性差,胶料易发粘,用量大等缺陷。具有高反应活性的小分子硅氮烷在高端应用中具有更突出的性能优势,接下来小编为大家介绍公海赌赌船官网jc710在粉料处理领域深受国内外客户好评的两款产品XY-602 和 XY-803。
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